We were created to improve the Wellness of Black Women

B. Well is a Los Angeles based 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization's solution to improving the health and well-being of Black women. We are passionate about promoting better health and empowering Black women to live their lives to the fullest. We understand Black women's challenges, especially concerning violence and breast cancer.

Our nonprofit organization offers a comprehensive approach to supporting relationship and sexual violence and breast cancer survivors. We work to ensure our members receive the care and resources they need to recover and heal. Additionally, we offer education on prevention and early detection to reduce the incidences of violence against Black women and breast cancer.

Our efforts aim to create a healthier future for Black women. We envision a world where Black women can live their lives free from the devastation of violence and breast cancer. Our team of dedicated professionals is committed to making this vision a reality.

Join us today and be a part of this important movement. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of Black women everywhere.

The Problem with Violence Against Women

In Los Angeles, Black women are disproportionately affected by domestic violence. One in three Black women experience intimate partner violence, and the rates of stalking and sexual assault are far higher than the national average.

The Problem with Breast Cancer

In Los Angeles, the mortality rate for breast cancer is the highest for Black women, even though their incidences are lower. In addition to their higher mortality rate, cancer is the second leading cause of death for Black women in the United States.

B. Well Solution

Black women deserve protection and the right to live without fear of abuse. Additionally, they deserve to have access to equitable healthcare that addresses their unique needs and experiences. Here’s our solution to prioritizing their safety and well-being.

Help us empower and support Black women's healing- your support will make a difference.